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Another Brazilian Sandero

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  • #16
    my car was 9500 Euro
    Attached Files


    • #17
      Prices starts in Romania from 6890 Euro (Dacia Sandero 1.4 MPI-basic model; no AC, no fog spots, no electric equipments, no power steering, no computer onboard...)


      • #18
        Originally posted by LeNgenda View Post
        ... Mine is Ambiance (7999 euros) with added A/C, powered front windows and fog lights (1 euro) and metallic paint (310 euros), all equals 8310 euros...
        My version is the same as yours.Only that here it's called "Preference",I have no AC and the fog lights cost 50 E +. Even the color matches.

        I payed 8305 E for it.


        • #19
          Yes, a couple of years ago Logan has been sold in all five equipment packs.

          My pack is called Ambiance Plus, Ambiance with added things that you get for 1 euro, that was some kind of sale in November, but now is even more cheap, 7.777 euros, and delivery is immediate. It seems like factory have made too much Preferance for Germany or so, and wanted to get rid of them. I was lucky to get one with RNF mettalic paint.

          Sandero 1.4 MPI: Base 6.990, Ambiance 7.999 and Laureate 8.404 euros.

          I wasn`t interested im 1.6 MPI so I don`t know the prices.

          What are your experiences of fuel consumption?


          • #20
            Consumption depends on how you drive the car. For my 1.4 consumption in the city is about 10 liters per 100 km (11% in winter, maybe more..that depends!), and outside the city I have somewhere to 6 liters/100 km. these are the output of computer car, and I never did a “real” consumption. if you ask the engine performance, consumption increases considerably.
            Last edited by ciomp; 24 January 2010, 13:44.


            • #21
              I have pretty much the same consumption values as described in the book.Lowest was 5.2%,highest 6.4% - both on long runs. Highest urban cons. was about 10.5-11% - winter time.


              • #22
                In what book did you find the cunsumption for this car? I ask becouse i didn't find no consumption in the car book.


                • #23
                  eBrochure Sandero (Page 12)
                  1.6 MPI 90
                  Conditions urbaines: 9,7
                  Conditions extra-urbaines: 5,4
                  Mixte: 7,0

                  For 1.4 MPI the values are pretty the same

                  Our says:

                  Tip motor (1.2 16V)(1.4 MPI)(1.6 MPI)
                  Ciclu complet (l/100km) 5,9 6,9 7,3
                  Ciclu urban (l/100km) 7,6 9,4 9,7
                  Ciclu extra-urban (l/100km) 4,9 5,5 5,9
                  Emisie CO2 (g/km) 139 166 172
                  Last edited by Goan; 25 January 2010, 23:45.


                  • #24
                    Thanks, Goan


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by LeNgenda View Post
                      Aaaah, now I understand...

                      Well, yes, that is something that often go to malfunction because of the bad roads.

                      Here in Serbia, one of the best marketing arguments is durability and robustness of Dacia`s suspension and not-too-sensibile engine because of the bad gasoline we have here.

                      Let`s compare the prices; here in Serbia, Dacia Sandero 1.4 MPI Base costs 6990 euros. Mine is Ambiance (7999 euros) with added A/C, powered front windows and fog lights (1 euro) and metallic paint (310 euros), all equals 8310 euros. What is the price of Sandero Base in Brasil, Romania, anywhere else?

                      We only have Base, Ambiance and Laureate equipment packs on the market.
                      Funny to read your comments about bad gas in Serbia, unfortunately we got the very same problem here.

                      Prices start in 11k Euro for the Authentique, which is 1.0l 16v very very "naked", no power window, steering, lock... nothing! (12k Euro if you want the 1.6l 8v)
                      Expression starts in 12k Euro and is also 1.0l 16v engine but with power steering and other amenities. (13k Euro if you want it 1.6l 8v)
                      Vibe is 1.6l 8v and fully loaded (except airbag), power everything (except mirrors), oem mp3 player with sattelite remote control, 15" alloy wheels and a lot of amenities for 15k Euro. (1.6l 8v is the only engine option)
                      Privilege is also 1.6l 8v and starts in 16k Euro with everything from Vibe except alloys but with power mirrors and alarm. (17k Euro if you want a 1.6l 16v)
                      Stepway starts in 16k Euro with the 1.6l 16v and the "off road" appeal, but only with power steering.

                      Base prices and base itens.


                      • #26
                        Prices from including V.A.T (19%)
                        Sandero 1.4 MPI 75 CP 6890 EUR
                        Ambiance 1.4 MPI 75 CP 7350 EUR
                        Ambiance 1.2 16V 75 CP 7500 EUR
                        Ambiance 1.6 MPI 90 CP 7750 EUR
                        Ambiance 1.5 dCi 70 CP 8950 EUR
                        Preference 1.4 MPI 75 CP 8050 EUR
                        Preference 1.2 16V 75 CP 8200 EUR
                        Preference 1.6 MPI 90 CP 8450 EUR
                        Preference 1.5 dCi 70 CP 9650 EUR
                        Preference 1.5 dCi 85 CP 10100 EUR
                        Laureate 1.4 MPI 75 CP 8950 EUR
                        Laureate 1.2 16V 75 CP 9100 EUR
                        Laureate 1.6 MPI 90 CP 9350 EUR
                        Laureate 1.5 dCi 70 CP 10550 EUR
                        Laureate 1.5 dCi 85 CP 11000 EUR
                        Prestige 1.6 MPI 90 CP 9850 EUR
                        Prestige 1.5 dCi 70 CP 11050 EUR
                        Prestige 1.5 dCi 85 CP 11500 EUR
                        Stepway 1.6 MPI 90 CP 9200 EUR
                        Stepway 1.5 dCi 70 CP 10400 EUR
                        Kiss Fm 1.4 MPI 75 CP 9250 EUR
                        Kiss Fm 1.2 16V 75 CP 9400 EUR
                        Kiss Fm 1.6 MPI 90 CP 9650 EUR
                        Kiss Fm 1.5 dCi 70 CP 10850 EUR
                        Kiss Fm 1.5 dCi 85 CP 11300 EUR

                        Unfortunately we don't have 1.6l 16v
                        There is a BIG difference between prices.
                        Giving "16k Euro" for a Dacia is pretty stupid here, as at that price you can easily get a VW NEW not Second-Hand


                        • #27
                          The cheaper VW here are as well pretty shitty, there's no problem in preferring a Dacia (here in Brazil is Renault) instead of a VW.
                          Last edited by Seba; 11 May 2011, 22:27.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Goan View Post
                            Giving "16k Euro" for a Dacia is pretty stupid here
                            Yup, but I wouldn`t choose VW, I`d rather some cheaper pack of Toyota Auris, I always prefer Japanese instead of Germans.

                            Brasil is just too far from Romania, transport expenses are too big. If you think in some other way, why would anyone give $15000-16000 for pretty plastic and weak Sandero? Chevrolet Cruze even here costs about $14000 in base version, US are twice closer to you then to us, and Chevy`s factories must be closer, maybe even in Brasil or Latin America.

                            Wait a minute...

                            I think I heard somewhere that Sandero is made in some factory in Brasil, I think Logan is made in Romania, Russia (like Renault), India (like Nissan), and I think in Brasil (like Renault). If that is true, than you are being robbered by your state, `cause there is no chance for Sandero to go above 12000 euros anywhere in the world, even in 1.5 dCi 85hp variant...
                            Last edited by LeNgenda; 27 January 2010, 11:24.


                            • #29
                              We, Romanians are always robbered


                              • #30
                                very nice car...i like the displays...the cd player and the rims...


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