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Another Brazilian Sandero

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  • Another Brazilian Sandero

    Hi everyone!!!

    Congrats for the forum!!! Hope to share and learn a lot from that new car.

    Just got a (Renault) Sandero Vibe, as you guys might know, basically is an Expression one with some cosmetic features:

    - "Black mask" headlights;
    - Tinted taillights;
    - 15" black-ish wheels;
    - Custom upholstery (black with red details);
    - Silver details in the dashboard and shift knob;

    Is a limited to 3thousandandsomething units but the best part is you can get all this "extras" chaper than an Expression itself. Car costed around US$16k with power window (front only), locker (front and rear), steering, air conditioning and OEM mp3 player.

    Please find some pix from my new kid-o:

    Last edited by Rafa-ABC; 4 October 2009, 20:25. Reason: add info

  • #2
    Sorry for missing an external pic:


    • #3
      Very Nice VIBE ;)
      Just wondering, does the car computer has the instant fuel consumption ?


      • #4
        Very nice looking Vibe!! Oh and welcome to the forum! could You please upload a photo from the rear of the car? I am interested to see the tinted taillights.
        I like especially the dark rims...


        • #5

          poze vibe


          • #6
            Originally posted by Goan View Post
            Very Nice VIBE ;)
            Just wondering, does the car computer has the instant fuel consumption ?
            Nope, thanks God average only. You get sort of paranoid with the instant one. lol trust me, I have it in the Fiat Palio and I try to avoid everytime I have to check the average. lol

            Originally posted by sanderizer View Post
            Very nice looking Vibe!! Oh and welcome to the forum! could You please upload a photo from the rear of the car? I am interested to see the tinted taillights.
            I like especially the dark rims...
            Thanks for the welcome!!!

            I can take the picture asap but in the meanwhile you can see them with the link provided by AG25FLI:


            • #7
              any problems with your car.. until now?


              • #8
                Originally posted by chitziman View Post
                any problems with your car.. until now?
                Nops. It works just fine.
                In fact it's a little bit noisier than was the Clio, but is a car issue itself, not a problem.


                • #9
                  a ok...good for you


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by chitziman View Post
                    a ok...good for you
                    Is there any common problem in Sandero there in Romania?


                    • #11
                      Unfortunately it seems that yes.
                      One of the most discussed topic on the forum is the one about the "direction box".
                      There is a number of Sandero owners that complain about some sounds in the steering wheel.
                      The sounds truly exists but after changing a few "direction boxes" the sounds appears again.
                      Unfortunately there is no official position from Dacia yet.
                      Maybe our roads are generating this sounds pretty faster then on other conditions


                      • #12
                        Greetings from the neighbourhood. This is my first post, I didn`t find "Member introduction" board.

                        What is "direction box"? What is it`s function? I am trying to translate and get some sense out of it, but no success...


                        • #13
                          I've looked over the net and found this guy that sells a "Direction box for Dacia".


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Goan View Post
                            Unfortunately it seems that yes.
                            One of the most discussed topic on the forum is the one about the "direction box".
                            There is a number of Sandero owners that complain about some sounds in the steering wheel.
                            The sounds truly exists but after changing a few "direction boxes" the sounds appears again.
                            Unfortunately there is no official position from Dacia yet.
                            Maybe our roads are generating this sounds pretty faster then on other conditions
                            Hmmm.... I heard some complaining about this very same problem from some Brazilian owners as well. And you can hear it while maneuvring to park for instance, not in higher speeds.
                            Don't worry, we ain't got a smooth tarmac around here too.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Goan View Post
                              I've looked over the net and found this guy that sells a "Direction box for Dacia".
                              Aaaah, now I understand...

                              Well, yes, that is something that often go to malfunction because of the bad roads.

                              Here in Serbia, one of the best marketing arguments is durability and robustness of Dacia`s suspension and not-too-sensibile engine because of the bad gasoline we have here.

                              Let`s compare the prices; here in Serbia, Dacia Sandero 1.4 MPI Base costs 6990 euros. Mine is Ambiance (7999 euros) with added A/C, powered front windows and fog lights (1 euro) and metallic paint (310 euros), all equals 8310 euros. What is the price of Sandero Base in Brasil, Romania, anywhere else?

                              We only have Base, Ambiance and Laureate equipment packs on the market.


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